Quiet Restauran is a new hidden object variation by Card-Board-Games.com. Try yourself in the role of the chef working in the luxury restaurant and you will realize that food decoration is the really hard job. There are 4 levels in the game and you should cook cocktail, salad, main course and dessert.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Quiet Restauran is a new hidden object variation by Card-Board-Games.com. Try yourself in the role of the chef working in the luxury restaurant and you will realize that food decoration is the really hard job. There are 4 levels in the game and you should cook cocktail, salad, main course and dessert.
عمر ناصر
انا عمر ناصر من جمهورية مصر العربية عمري 16 سنة مصمم قوالب ومصمم سكريبتات اعيش في محافظة السويس انشأت بروتك منذا ثلاث اعوام لدي خبره في بلوجر اكثر من خمس سنوات مدير مدونة وبروتك والناشر لها يمكنك متابعتي عبر صفحاتي الشخصية
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