Help Robinson to send the annoying birds off. You can hit them with a coconut if you are skilled enough. Use your mouse left click to controll the game. First click: Friday throws the coconut. Second click: Robinson hits it. The direction of the coconut movement is determined by the distance from Robinson when it gets the hit.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Help Robinson to send the annoying birds off. You can hit them with a coconut if you are skilled enough. Use your mouse left click to controll the game. First click: Friday throws the coconut. Second click: Robinson hits it. The direction of the coconut movement is determined by the distance from Robinson when it gets the hit.
عمر ناصر
انا عمر ناصر من جمهورية مصر العربية عمري 16 سنة مصمم قوالب ومصمم سكريبتات اعيش في محافظة السويس انشأت بروتك منذا ثلاث اعوام لدي خبره في بلوجر اكثر من خمس سنوات مدير مدونة وبروتك والناشر لها يمكنك متابعتي عبر صفحاتي الشخصية
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